Cooling Tower Suction Piping Guidelines

Cooling Tower Suction Piping Guidelines

When designing cooling tower suction piping, it is absolutely critical that engineers have sufficient NPSH to the condenser water pump and avoid any piping design errors that could cause air to come out of the pumping solution.  If either of these becomes a problem…

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How To Develop Cooling Tower Life Cycle Cost Analysis: The Final Step!

How To Develop Cooling Tower Life Cycle Cost Analysis: The Final Step!

So far in this series, you’ve learned how to incorporate all of the essential data into your cooling tower life cycle analysis  -- everything from operational hours at part load conditions to suggested outdoor wet bulb design points. You’ve done most of the heavy lifting. Now it is up to the vendor to…

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How To Develop Cooling Tower Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Introduction

How To Develop Cooling Tower Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Introduction

Cooling towers cost money. Cooling towers save money. In between those two statements lies a host of variables that must be evaluated in order for the engineer to make an informed decision on behalf of…

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