Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 3: Thermal Conductivity Test

Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 3: Thermal Conductivity Test

Our test well is fully installed and grouted, and we've waited a full five days for the ground to cool down after all that drilling and compressed air. It’s finally time to begin our 48-hour thermal geothermal conductivity test….

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Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 2: Installing the Test Well

Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 2: Installing the Test Well

A well test is prescribed for any vertical geothermal loop field in a commercial-sized application. The well test provides an opportunity to analyze the heat transfer properties of geological formation at the well field site. Once analyzed, this information helps the design engineer….

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Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 1: Planning a Successful Well Field Installation

Geothermal Well Drilling—Demystified Part 1:  Planning a Successful Well Field Installation

Most commercial HVAC professionals are familiar with the principles of geothermal heating and cooling. But when it’s time to put the drill to the earth, builders and engineers generally turn to a professional well driller experienced in all aspects of vertical geothermal well installation. In this blog series, we unearth the mysteries….

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Hydronic System Pressure Maintenance with Pre-Piped Components

Hydronic System Pressure Maintenance with Pre-Piped Components

Except for an expansion tank and air separator, the components are often installed as a pre-piped assembly, ensuring long-term peace of mind and eliminating tedious piping work. In this blog post, we explain what these components are and the role each plays….

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