Humidification Basics Part 14: Steam Humidifier Distribution Panels for Short Absorption

Humidification Basics Part 14: Steam Humidifier Distribution Panels for Short Absorption

Last week, we reviewed different types of steam humidifier distribution methods, which are inexpensive but have longer absorption distances. Many HVAC installations require very short or non-wetting absorption distances. Humidifier distribution panels provide solutions to this requirement. This week we'll review the options for...

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Humidification Basics Part 12: Humidification Specification and Steam Absorption Distance

Humidification Basics Part 12:  Humidification Specification and Steam Absorption Distance

The best way to make sure you have designed your humidification system to have sufficient absorption distance is to use sizing and selection software. By entering in a few values, including the entering and leaving air conditions, you not only get equipment options, but also...

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Humidification Basics Part 11: Absorption Distance

Humidification Basics Part 11:  Absorption Distance

What is absorption distance and why is it critical in humidification applications?

Absorption distance is the length of duct that is required to change visible water vapor into an invisible gas in a given application.  As designers, we want to make sure that the steam dispersion assembly is located within the duct at a point where

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Humidification Basics Part 10: Types of Humidifiers

Humidification Basics Part 10: Types of Humidifiers

Now that we know there are two processes (adiabatic or isothermal) by which we can achieve humidification, let’s talk about the various types of humidifying equipment within these process categories.

Starting with isothermal, there are several types of humidifiers and configurations to choose from. The common denominator is....

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